Monday, January 23, 2017

ARCHIVED POST: Staying on the Balance Beam of Life

Originally Written and Posted on April 2, 2014 (with edits January, 23, 2017):

Think about a gymnast on a balance beam. If even one little thing is off by a mere centimeter, her entire balance is thwarted and she begins to fall.

Same with our life. We need to find balance in each area or we begin to fall. Our grip begins to slip until we come crashing down.

But how do we find balance in our life? It’s something I feel like I’m constantly pursuing and not yet grasping… Here’s what I know:

Life needs spiritual balance- You can’t always be pouring into others without be filled yourself through the Word of God. I’m one of those people who willingly takes on tasks and roles- always eager to serve. But you can’t give and give and give, without being filled. I am really challenged to find spiritual balance by pouring into the Word every day and seeking what the Lord needs me to learn.

Life needs physical balance- Balanced meals, balanced activity levels, etc. This is essential for our bodies to function, and not only work, but thrive!

Life needs mental balance. Sometimes this means reading adult books, not just my newsfeed. This means engaging in thought-provoking and creative activities, not just watching Dance Moms. It’s a definite area of improvement for me.
Life also needs balance in relationships- Balanced time between husband and children, and between friends and family. Balance in time together and time apart. Balance in being serious and being lighthearted. Balance in give and take. Sometimes you’re the one to lean on and sometimes you’re the one who needs to lean on the other.

Life needs balance between work and play, between rest and activity. This means sometimes doing chores, and sometimes coloring with sidewalk chalk with your kids; Sometimes giving yourself permission to take a nap, and sometimes knock out those errands you have to run.

Life needs a balance of good and bad. Without the good there would be no joy, no happiness. Without the bad, there would be no appreciation of the good, no lessons learned through perseverance, no faith strengthened.

Life needs balance in every area. I am discovering that if we become too consumed with one thing, even if that one thing is inherently a good thing, other areas in our life will suffer because the balance will be off.

So we know that life needs balance. But how? Just like the gymnast on a balance beam, we too must know where to find our balance.

And the balance starts with making time for Jesus daily. That will allow us to be centered, to put our feet firmly on the ground (or balance beam, if you will). And from there, we can learn how to prioritize the people and things that matter most. Sometimes you can say yes. Sometimes you will have to say no. But, finding your balance means always saying yes to Jesus above all.

I believe that if you put Him first, everything else in life will be balanced- and you will never fall.

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